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woman getting BOTOX

Botox is a popular cosmetic injectable but you probably didn’t realize it’s also a service we offer in our practice. As a dentist, Dr. George Okoro has an especially strong understanding of the entire facial anatomy. Your teeth are just one aspect.

Your lips, facial tissues and jawline all play into the health of your smile, function of your TMJ joints and even things like tooth loss. So it’s no surprise that we offer aesthetic Botox treatments to help create smoother, healthier-looking facial tissues to frame your smile.

How Does the Cosmetic Filler Work?

We apply Botox to help fill and plump tissues that lack fullness or have small wrinkles. Places like your eyes, nose folds, forehead and smile lines are just a few examples.

Applying the injectable provides 3-4 months of smoothness in those facial zones. Since the medication eases muscle tension, you naturally see less creasing in your skin in your most problematic aesthetic zones.

We can also use Botox to help plump your lips if they’re thin and lacking a natural fullness. Lip treatments are an excellent way to complete your smile makeover and add the perfect “frame” to your gorgeous new teeth.

woman getting BOTOX

Trained Specifically in Aesthetics

As we help you restore missing teeth, we can pair Botox with other services (like implants or dentures) to help restore some of the fullness you had before tooth loss occurred. But our Botox services aren’t restricted to just your mouth.

Dr. Okoro’s intense understanding of facial anatomy means he’s always looking at the bigger picture. Your comprehensive smile and facial structure are all interrelated. To ensure success for our aesthetic patients, Dr. Okoro underwent an additional intensive to perfect his ability to apply injectables in various facial zones.

That way we can provide the best outcome for what our patients are looking for. His certification in Botox applications makes it convenient for our patients to touch up their treatment during checkups or brief visits at our office between typical dental appointments.

 Cost of Botox in Largo

Getting this treatment is more affordable than you might expect. Most of our treatments start at $10 per unit. The total cost of Botox will depend on how much you want and the number of areas being treated.

If it’s your first time getting Botox treatment, understanding what to expect can help a little with any anxiety you might be feeling. The first step is to see you for an assessment. We’ll discuss what areas you want to address and what it is that’s bothering you. If we find that this injectable treatment is appropriate, we can show you before-and-after pictures of similar cases we’ve treated. Visually assessing the improvement in other people can help you decide if Botox is right for you.

We’ll gently numb the areas that the Botox is being applied so that you feel comfortable as possible. After your first application, we will want to see you a day or two later to assess the results. If necessary, we can add more product to those particular zones.

As with any injectable, it’s common to experience some mild discomfort or soreness at the injection sites later in the day. Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication can relieve any irritation or mild swelling during the first day.

Overactive jaw muscles are a common cause of TMJ disorder. Since Botox is a natural muscle relaxer (which is why it helps with deep creasing) it can occasionally be used to manage TMJ pain.

The typical treatment lasts between 3-4 months. Some individuals find that after regular touchups that their results last longer over time.

Botox is an FDA-approved medication that eases creasing in the skin. So if you’re troubled by smile lines or crow’s feet, there’s no need to visit a separate dermatology office or medical spa. Your cosmetic treatment with the injectable can be applied by our highly trained dentist as part of your cosmetic care plan.

Adding Botox to your smile makeover plan is a safe, affordable and effective way to take your results to the next level. We can easily work an application of the injectable application into other cosmetic appointments or even your routine checkup.

 Find Out More Today

Discover if Botox is right for you. Contact EZE Dental today. Prices start at $10 per unit.


EZE Dental
1400 Mercantile Lane, Suite 100
Largo, MD 20774
Phone: 301-691-5605

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